Drake Says He’ll Get 600Breezy Out of Jail
Drake Helps 600Breezy – The popular Chicago Rapper, 600Breezy has been held in Iowa for a probation violation back in 2012. The charges were brought on by 600Breezy’s flashy social media presence, and his open marijuana use, violating the terms of his probation.

Drake Helps 600Breezy – Exchanges Text Messages with family
600 Breezy’s Family – “They went and revoked his probation and gave him 10 yrs. He won’t have to do it, but basically lock him up for smoking weed and being black.”
Drake – “Tonight?!?!?!?”
600 Breezy’s Family – “We had court today in Waterloo, Iowa & if I wasn’t there I wouldn’t have believed what I saw.”
Drake – “I won’t let him sit. We will do everything we can.”