Black Disciples

The Black Disciples, sometimes abbreviated as BDN, BDN III, BD’s, are one of the largest Chicago based street gangs.

Black Disciples History

Initially, in 1958, a group of teens from Englewood, Hyde Park, and Kenwood came together as a group to create an alliance and protect themselves from rivals.

Interestingly, The Black Disciples started in Chicago, and are one of the largest street gangs in the United States.

Black Disciples – Official colors

What are the official colors of The Black Disciples?

  • Colors – Red, Black, Gold and Green.

David Barksdale - Founder

David Barksdale in 1969.
David Barksdale in 1969.

Founder of The Black Disciples

  • David Barksdale

By the beginning of 1961 David Barksdale, also known as “King David”, took sole leadership of the Devils Disciples and appointed different members to oversee different areas of neighborhoods.

Barksdale’s goal was to claim small gangs around the area and turn them into factions of the Disciples.

In 1966 to help increase recruitment and counteract threats of other gangs David Barksdale created the “Black Disciples Nation” which helped increased recruitment into the thousands.

The Black Disciples Symbol

Black Disciples Symbol.
Black Disciples Symbol.

Murder of Robert “Yummy” Sandifer

Murder of Robert Yummy Sandifer.

Tragically, after committing murder, arson and armed robbery, he was murdered by his own fellow gang members who feared he could become an informant, and that he was attracting too much attention towards their activities.

Coverage of Sandifer’s death and retrospectives on his short, violent life were widely published in the American media.

Yummy Sandifer became a symbol of the gang problem in American inner cities, the failure of our countries social safety nets, and the shortcomings of the United States juvenile justice system.

Famous Black Disciples

Famous Black Disciples.

Unfortunately, many famous Chicago rappers from Team 600 are members of the Black Disciples.